Famous Casino Owner Dies in a Boating Accident

A Nevada casino tycoon passed away in a tragic boating accident on Little Traverse Bay. Richard Haskins who was only 56 was the president of Red Rock Resorts Inc, managing 20 Nevada facilities at glamorous locations like Las Vegas Strip located near Palms Resort. The Red Rock Resorts casinos are an essential part of the Las Vegas gambling experience and are among the most beloved casinos in the state of Nevada. Haskins joined Station Casinos, operating under Red Rock back in 1995 and he has been with the team ever since. The 56-year-old was mostly managing Midwest operations until later, back in 2015 he took over the role of the presidency.
According to various local news sources, Richard Haskins was riding his personal watercraft on July 4th, The Independence day for the U.S. This particular independence day was different for many reasons, not only were most of the celebrations sacked because of the covid-19-is outbreak, paired with the political debates currently going on in the U.S a lot of people were against celebrating the 4th of July the way they usually do, with some even saying no to fireworks and all the classics of 4th of July, so its not a surprise that people were looking at alternative ways to pass time during these times. Apparently the casino tycoon, Richard Haskins was on of them.
Currently, we know that it was an accident with a 27-foot powerboat that resulted in death but the story is still developing. The local police are investigating the case with hopes of finding out more about the circumstances under which Richard Haskins passed away.
Emmet County’s Sheriff’s Office Marine Division first got the information about a possible crash on Lake Michigan at around 2 pm on the 4th of July. The county is located near Mackinac Bridges, linking Michigan with the part of its peninsula, where the small township where the accident was recorded is located.
According to the local authorities the President of Red Rock Inc, was headed towards the north, riding the 2011 Sea-Doo watercraft, meanwhile the fatal powerboat, owned by James Moffatt was headed west. The owner of the Magnum powerboat is 77 years old. The authorities have so far refused to give other details, but we do know that Haskins was pronounced dead on the spot by the emergency responders.
The Casino chain of Red Rock has been quiet so far but it has been alleged that they are planning to ake their statement later in the day addressing the issues of Haskin’s succession and the fate of Red Rock as a whole.
Different casino and gambling lovers have already expressed their sorrow over the tragic incidents and have offered their condolences to the friend and family of Haskin.
The authorities are expected to release additional information concerning the crash in the upcoming days and considering this case has become quite public the announcement might come around sooner.
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