Germany could become one of the biggest gambling destinations by 2024

The newest projections by the consulting and research company Goldmedia is predicting that the gambling revenue could hit 3.3 billion euro in Germany, all within a matter of four years. Gambling has always been a big part of the local entertainment sector and it could actually grow substantially over the next few years. The rise of online gambling in Germany and in the increased popularity of gambling, in general, could generate substantial gains for the industry, turning Germany into one of the hotspots for gambling across Europe and the world.
The growth is expected in online gambling, lottery, sports betting, casinos as well as gaming machines. The projection also takes into account the COVID-19 crisis and how it has affected a huge variety of sectors, gambling being one of them.
The pandemic has created a lot of challenges for the gambling world, but in some sense, it has brought new opportunities, especially for online gambling and online casinos. With so many people stuck at home, many gamblers have turned to online casinos, increasing their traffic. The gambling industry ha definitely suffered a lot of losses this year ut the increase in demand for online casino services is what has helped the industry stay afloat.
By these projections, the gaming revenue in Germany is expected to grow from 2.2 billion euros to 3.3 by 2024, and this concerns only online casinos. According to this very research, game machines are the most profitable part of the market and make up for almost half of the gaming revenue.
In Germany, the online casinos experienced unprecedented growth in 2019, it grew by 8 %, almost doubling its share of the entire gambling market. But in 2020 the effects of the global pandemic will also be seen in the terms of gambling revenue but the hope is that the german gamblers will favor online venues and embrace online casinos even more than they did in 2019.
What might pose a problem is that Germany is actually planning to tightens its restrictions regarding gambling, both online and online. The local regulatory bodies are planning to unveil a whole new set of regulations on the operators which might affect the industry and its revenue.
The survey also looked into the possible effect of tightened restrictions and turns out that people are still willing to play and want to play even if the restrictions are somewhat restrictive when it comes to choosing your provider.
These days almost 12% of gamblers play slots every day, while 32% play slots on a weekly basis, and not surprisingly most of them use their mobile devices to play. This is also of the defining factors in why the online casino industry might be expanding very soon in Germany. So many of the local gamblers use their phones to gamble and in the upcoming months, the access to 5g is going to get even bigger, allowing gamblers to enjoy their games from anywhere with no disruption to the game itself. This will also likely contribute to the rising popularity of online casinos and make Germany into one of the top consumers for online gambling.
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