UK’s Gambling Act named “Horribly Wrong” by the MPs

The UK has been working hard to revise its gambling environment and to promote responsible gambling and engage more with people that are actually working in the industry to make the necessary changes according to the professionals closest to the industry.
It has recently tightened its hold on the licensing and is actively trying to promote the resources for coping with problem gambling. But now the MPs are saying that the 2005 Gambling Regulations was done “horribly wrong” and requires immediate reform.
The Gambling Act of 2005 was adopted under Tony Blair’s government and the current authorities have been dancing with the idea of creating a new stepping stone for the gambling regulations across the UK.
Ministers have now pledged to review the existing Gambling Act as more and more MPs are coming out against the 2005 Acts. This issue first came up in the House of Lords committee, specifically, Lord Grade who was previously a chairman of 1TV, and BBC spoke about the importance of acting swiftly to deliver better results immediately. The proposed changes include ending gambling sports sponsorships, introducing strict affordability checks on customers, a testing regime to ban addictive new games, a mandatory levy to fund addiction treatment. Additionally to that the revised version, according to the Lorde Grade should also include the reduction of speed of production of the said online casino games, as well as introducing tough controls on “free bets” and bonus inducements.
If this proposal goes through in its current form, the gambling scene in the UK could be facing some really tough challenges. It might even transform local casinos and online gambling venues into completely different establishments since promotions and bonuses seem to be half the catch with these casinos.
The Committee’s dedication to introducing stricter laws, at least according to them is tied to the “lax regulations” that are currently in place across the UK. While the corrections that the committee wants to make aren’t necessarily pro-gambling or aimed at increasing the popularity of the industry, according to some members they are not in favor of banning gambling or trying to cut access to these gambling venues. The main point is to reduce the risks associated with gambling, only attacking part of the market, as per their own words.
It is yet unclear when the discussions bout reforms will take place or if it’s bound to happen at all, the amendments might need more support across the British government to actually go through but it seems like since the UK’s stance on gambling has shifted over the last few years, it will still be a major step if the gambling act was to be reformed in such a radical manner. Whether or not these amendments will go through is actually not decided yet, but could definitely change things for local operators as well as gambling lovers.
From the looks of the most prominent requirements of the updated Gambling Act, these changes will largely affect the online gambling community since most of the promotions or services mentioned in the updated list are tied to the online gambling.
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